

   苑希港,男,博士,博士后,现为江苏师范大学副教授(七级),会计专硕和物流管理学硕研究生导师。中国注册会计师,《工业工程与管理》《运筹与管理》《计算机集成制造系统》《Journal of Cleaner Production》《Kybernetes》《European Journal of Industrial Engineering》等中英文期刊评审专家。主要研究领域为逆向供应链、平台供应链等。







[1] 苑希港,张晓青*.我国制造业运作模式演变过程:从数智化走向数治化[J].产业创新研究.2024.2

[2] 苑希港,张晓青*.不同销售渠道情形下电商供应链网络平台物流服务策略研究[J].供应链管理.2023.11

[3] 苑希港,张晓青*.中国制造业数智化转型的影响因素和对策研究[J].江苏商论.2023.11

[4] 唐飞,苑希港*.基于网络平台的制造商销售与回收模式选择[J].计算机集成制造系统,2022,5

[5] 苑希港,张晓青*,考虑不同消费者选择行为和以旧换新补贴的产品动态定价策略研究[J]工业工程与管理,2022,12

[6] 苑希港,张晓青*.非对称信息下考虑政府补贴的绿色供应链博弈模型[J].工业工程,2020,4

[7] 苑希港,张晓青*.公平关切下绿色再制造商的混合渠道策略[J].控制工程,2020,12

[8] 苑希港,张晓青*,朱南.闭环供应链政府机制的选择问题-----非对称信息下考虑顾客环保意识[J].技术经济与管理研究,2018,11

[9] Xigang Yuan, Xiaoqing Zhang*. Toshare or not to share? Logistics service strategy of the e-commerce platformunder different selling channels[J].under review

[10] Xigang Yuan, Xiaoqing Zhang*,Fei Tang, Qiang Wei*, Dalin Zhang. Implementing operational strategyof closed-loop supply chain considering data intelligence level with an onlineplatform[J].under review

[11] Xigang Yuan, Xiaoqing Zhang*,Yan Gui, Weixiao Zhu, Dalin Zhang*. Pricing strategy of electricvehicle manufacturer under trade-in-for-new electric vehicles andtrade-in-for-new power batteries[J].under review

[12] Xigang Yuan, Zujun Ma, Xiaoqing Zhang*,Dalin Zhang. Who should provide a trade-in service under the online agency-sellingmode?[J].major revision

[13] Xiaoqing Zhang, Xigang Yuan*,Min Wang, Yongjian Wang, Dalin Zhang. Pricing strategy for the automobileproducer considering consumer anxiety behavior and policy substitutioneffect[J].Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024,2(ABS二星,SCI/SSCI一区)

[14] Yongjian Wang*,Xigang Yuan, Fei Wang. Production mode selection for automakers consideringproduct substitution under the dual-credit policy[J]. Kybernetes, 2024, 1,(ABS一星,SCI/SSCI三区).

[15] Xiaoqing Zhang, Xigang Yuan*, YongjianWang, Dalin Zhang. Dual-channel selection strategy of green supply chainconsidering online retail platform under different forms of governmentsubsidies[J].European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2023,12.(ABS二星,SCI/SSCI三区).

[16] Xiaoqing Zhang,Xigang Yuan, Wenbo Li, Yongjian Wang*. Research on the trade-inpricing strategy of new energy vehicle products considering the consumers’heterogeneous behavior[J].Green and Low-Carbon Economy,2023.8

[17] Xigang Yuan,Zujun Ma, Xiaoqing Zhang*. Dynamic pricing for thesuccessive-generation products in the presence of strategic customers andlimited trade-in duration[J].Kybernetes, 2022, 9(ABS一星,SCI/SSCI三区).

[18] Xigang Yuan,Xiaoqing Zhang*. Analysis of the impact of different forecastingtechniques on the inventory bullwhip effect in two parallel supply chainswith a competition effect[J].Journal of Engineering, 2021, 12(EI)

[19] Xigang Yuan, XiaoqingZhang*. Research on the dynamics game model in a green supply chain:government subsidy strategies under the retailer's selling

effort level[J].Complexity, 2020, 10(SCI三区)

[20] Xigang Yuan*,Nan Zhu. Bullwhip effect analysis in two-level supply chain distributionnetwork using different demand forecasting technology[J]. Asia-PacificJournal of Operational Research, 2016, 5(ABS二星,SCI/SSCI三区).


[1] 教育部春晖计划合作科研项目,考虑数智化水平的智能互联产品以旧换新动态定价策略研究,2023-2025,主持,在研。

[2] 江苏省社会科学基金青年项目,江苏省制造业数智化转型的机制设计和实现路径研究,2022-2024,主持,在研。

[3] 江苏省高校自然科学基金一般项目,考虑链与链竞争的绿色供应链库存牛鞭效应研究,2019-2021,主持,已结题。

[4] 江苏省高校人文社科基金一般项目,江苏省新能源产业空间集聚效应和实现路径研究,2020-2022,主持,已结题。


[1] 苑希港,张晓青.全球供应链牛鞭效应对库存量和现金流的影响研究[M].四川:四川大学出版社,2023.





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